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Susanne performs regularly as a soloist, giving recitals in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and the UK. Her latest CD you can find on [Recordings]. She came to singing later in life, consequently her vocal training did not follow the conventional route. Even though she grew up in a musical family in Dresden and
learnt classical Spanish guitar at an early age, she decided to take up a scientific career. After graduating in natural sciences, Susanne moved to Zurich where she obtained a PhD from the Swiss
Institute for Technology. It was there that she returned to music, receiving vocal training and singing in various music ensembles. In 2001 she moved to England to pursue her scientific career
and met her pianist William Hancox at the Dartington International Summer
School. From 2007 to 2019 Susanne lived outside Rome, pursuing both her scientific and musical careers – the former as a Mission Manager for the European Space Agency’s Satellites. Since 2019
she is back in the UK, heading ESA’s Climate Office.
Susanne’s musical programmes, like her musical career, do not follow the conventional route:
"I like the luxury of creating my own concert programmes, centering an evening on a theme or the place we perform in. The process often begins with one or two songs which mesmerise me to the
extent that I have to find an ‘excuse’ to perform them, and so I begin by ‘weaving’ a tale around them. This often leads to unusual combinations of styles, composers, musical periods,
geographical origins, rhythms, stories and lyrics but is always motivated by the desire to tell a musical story [Projects].
I was fortunate in meeting William Hancox, my pianist and duo partner, with whom I have been working since 2002. His
professionalism and enthusiasm in discovering the different levels of communication between voice and piano are a great joy and real inspiration.
Researching and discovering new repertoire is one of the most enjoyable parts of designing a new programme and we often include rarely performed songs in our concerts.
Recently I have particularly enjoyed including visual media in our programmes, combining music and photographic videos, working closely with the London-based photographer Gareth Davies.
We hope you will be able to join us for the next event, details of which can be found on the start page [Home].“
Susanne Mecklenburg ha coltivato il suo amore per la musica classica seguendo, negli ultimi anni, un percorso di formazione privato a Londra con William Hancox, maestro di canto e pianista, con il quale ha realizzato gli ultimi progetti musicali. Si è esibita in vari concerti e matinée in Italia, Svizzera,
Germania e Inghilterra come solista.
I suoi progetti nascono da combinazioni eterogenee di stili, compositori, periodi musicali, origini geografiche, ritmi e testi che esprimono la volontà di raccontare una storia: la creazione di
un concerto centrato su un tema. La ricerca e la scoperta di nuovi repertori sono, per lei, la parte più interessante di questo processo e la portano spesso ad includere nei suoi programmi
canzoni raramente eseguite.